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Add:109 North Daqing Road, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province

Industry news

ECFA goods customs clearance speed up machinery textile industry benefits

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019/11/22 15:07:22 Hits:745

2014 is the fourth year of the implementation of the early harvest plan of the cross strait economic cooperation framework agreement. The reporter learned from Qingdao customs that the import value of Qingdao port under ECFA was 96.4 billion yuan and the tax concession was 83.25 million yuan, up 11% and 4% year on year respectively.
According to the introduction, the beneficiary enterprises in Qingdao mainly focus on machinery, textile, chemical industry, plastic and other industries. With the vigorous promotion and in-depth promotion of ECFA preferential policies, more and more enterprises enjoy the benefits and convenience brought by this policy. Welcome to reprint, reprint please indicate the author and source!

Next:Textile industry needs to deepen transformation and upgrading
Yizheng Fid Textile Machinery Co., Ltd.
Add:109 North Daqing Road, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province
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